Messenger – September 2023

Pastor’s Corner


What a difference a month makes! We are moving forward with a fresh, new beginning. Our denomination has overwhelmingly supported my leadership as your pastor and has set in place a plan to help us become the church that God has called us to be. I want to thank all of you for your forbearance in a difficult transition.

ECO is excited about the changes Franklin Hill has made and has pledged to partner with us in a more hands-on way. Join me, and let’s get excited for what lies ahead as we press on to be a healthy church.

Praising God,

Pastor Al


Our Church 1813 to 2023 – is now 210 years old. Can you believe it is 10 years since our 200th Anniversary Celebration on 9/8/2013. We also had two floats in the July 4th parade and won 4th place!

Prayer is an acknowledgment that our need of God’s help is not partial but total.”  —Alistair Begg, Made for His Pleasure

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“I’m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.”   —Mother Teresa



Sunday School – 8:30 AM in the Community Building

Choir Practice will resume in September

You may reach Pastor Al at #609-529-7526, or

Monday, September 4thLabor Day!

Sunday, September 10thNational Grandparent’s Day

Monday, September 11thPatriot Day

Thursday, September 14th Presbyterian Women meeting at Bonne Travis’s home 10:30am

Wednesday, September 20thMen’s Breakfast at 8:00am

Saturday, September 23rdFirst Day of Autumn

Tuesday, September 26thNewsletter Deadline

Choir will be starting practices again on Thursday, September 7th, at 1:00. We will be practicing only during the month of September, then resume singing during church services on Sunday, October 1st. Thank you, Kathy Walker.

I have heard from Julia, Mrs Malaho, and she is very interested in visiting the USA and Franklin Hill area and our people of our church. She is looking ahead to next summer, 2024. I suggested that we could host her for 7 – 10 days. She must get her business and the finances in order and that will take until next summer. I had asked how Patricia, their daughter, has been doing and where is she now? Patricia responded that she has a small business and is teaching. She also has a small son. She is also very interested in coming to Franklin Hill. She is interested in going to college and getting a job here. I replied that we are poorly equipped in this area for both of these goals. That would entail a special visa and green card. But we would be very happy to host her for 7 – 10 days as a visitor. Summer 2024 is also her target time frame. They have invited someone, anyone from our church to visit them anytime, and they are always very appreciative of the prayers and funds of support for their family and school.   Submitted By Jim Kessler

Plastic Grocery Bags – Please give bags to Bonne Travis – these are used to crochet sleep mats for the homeless.

Please sign up to host one of the social hours on the Sunday after Communion Service on the first Sunday of the month.Hosting only means setting out what is brought and cleaning up afterward. It does not mean bringing everything to share.

Don’t forget our card ministry - If you would like a card sent to a particular person to give them a lift or let them know they are missed or offer encouragement, etc. etc., just give the name and address to Cathe. Cards, envelopes and postage will be provided and placed on a table in the Community Building the first Sunday of each month. As we file past the table on our way to the coffee pot, we will be able to sign each of the cards and Cathe will address the envelopes and mail them.

Loose Change Offerings ( coins and bills)

1st Sunday – Local Missions

2nd Sunday – General Fund

3rd Sunday – Kenya/Rev. Malabo

4th Sunday – General Fund

5th Sunday – Trehab Local Food Bank (whenever there is a 5th Sunday)


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