Thank you Pastor Al Hickok, Pastor Joe Travis, Rev. Chase Page and Pastor Marilyn Barnard for your dedication and faithfulness in sharing the word of God with us and for your love and encouragement in each of our lives, and for all that you do. You are all a blessing to each of us. You are in our prayers and We love you!!!
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
—Mother Teresa
Friendly Signposts
We need friends. Friends guide us, care for us, confront us in love, console us in times of pain. Although we speak of “making friends,” friends cannot be made. Friends are free gifts from God. But God gives us the friends we need when we need them if we fully trust in God’s love.
Friends cannot replace God. They have limitations and weaknesses like we have. Their love is never faultless, never complete. But in their limitations they can be signposts on our journey towards the unlimited and unconditional love of God. Let’s enjoy the friends whom God has sent on our way. —Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey
A Christian Pumpkin Poem
Author Unknown
I am a Jack O’ Lantern, My light will shine so bright
For I am a Christian pumpkin, My symbols tell what’s right.
My nose is like the cross,on which our Savior died
` To set us free from sin,We need no longer hide.
My mouth is like a fish, The whole wide world to show
That Christians live in this house,And love their Savior so!
The story starts at Christmas, My eyes are like the star
That shone on Baby Jesus, and wise men saw from far
My color it is orange, Just like the big bright sun
That rose on Easter Day,Along with Gods’ own Son.
And so on Halloween,Let’s set our pumpkins out
And tell the trick or treaters, What Gods’ love is all about!
Sunday School – 8:30 AM in the Community Building
Choir Practice Thursday’s at 1:00pm
You may reach Pastor Al at #609-529-7526, or
Sunday, October 1st – World Communion Sunday
Monday, October 9th – Columbus Day
Thursday, October 12th – Presbyterian Women Meeting 2:30pm to 4:00pm
Wednesday, October 18th – Men’s Breakfast and Meeting 8:00am
Sunday, October 29th – Reformation Sunday
Tuesday, October 31st – Reformation Day
Tuesday, October 31st – Newsletter Deadline
Please contact Debbie Hickok at with revisions to the church directory.
Email Carolyn White with any praises, joys, or prayer requests you have throughout the week that you’d like to share with our church family.
Rev. Mahalo has been quiet, but his wife, Julia, has responded that they have been very wet recently. They have been experiencing very heavy storms due to climate change. They have experienced hail and lost power for their water system. They have trouble making ends meet and they greatly appreciate our support, both through prayers and financial support. They are always very lavish with their “Thank Yous” By Jim Kessler
Plastic Grocery Bags – Please give bags to Bonne Travis – these are used to crochet sleep mats for the homeless.
Please sign up to host one of the social hours on the Sunday after Communion Service on the first Sunday of the month. Hosting only means setting out what is brought and cleaning up afterward. It does not mean bringing everything to share.
Don’t forget our card ministry – If you would like a card sent to a particular person to give them a lift or let them know they are missed or offer encouragement, etc. etc., just give the name and address to Cathe. Cards, envelopes and postage will be provided and placed on a table in the Community Building the first Sunday of each month. As we file past the table on our way to the coffee pot, we will be able to sign each of the cards and Cathe will address the envelopes and mail them.
Loose Change Offerings ( coins and bills)
1st Sunday – Local Missions
2nd Sunday – General Fund
3rd Sunday – Kenya/Rev. Malabo
4th Sunday – General Fund
5th Sunday – Trehab Local Food Bank (whenever there is a 5th Sunday)