The Messenger – January 2017

From The Pastor’s Desk…..

2 Corinthians 5:17- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

As we begin another year, are you setting New Year’s resolution? I’ve never been one to do this. I feel like New Years resolutions hold us to a strict standard of ideas.
Accomplish this list of tasks by the end of this month or this year, lose weight, organize my office, read through a new version of the Bible, and the list goes on.
Placing this kinds of benchmarks on ourselves can sometimes be overwhelming. We have
expectations that we will accomplish these daunting task driving the next 12 months and then feel let down when we’ve already strayed from our goal 2 or 3 months into the year.

Isn’t it Great to know God doesn’t hold us to a resolution list I like to think of New Years as more of a time of renewal, a fresh start, a turning over.
God tells us that He makes all things new. he can make old things pass and new things take shape.

Want the weight off? Truly give it to the Lord, and he’ll make you into a new-you. Have your been putting off organizing your life?
Truly ask the Lord and He will give you the desire to make it fresh and new.

God gives us the power to do anything we can imagine if we will tap into Him as our source. Want a closer walk with Him, a deeper friendship,
a stronger marriage, to be a better Dad or Mom? God is waiting for us to ask Him to make us new and mold us into the person He created us to be.
All we have to do is ask, listen for His direction and follow through from January 1st through December 31st.
In His Service,
Pastor Joe


Sunday School – 8:15 AM in the Community Building
Choir Practice  Every Thursday at 1:00pm
Evening Bible Study – Every Sunday at 5:00pm
You may reach Pastor Joe at 570-465-7303 or his cell #570-267-4570
Every Thursday Pastor Joe will be at the church from 2-4pm if you need him

Sunday, January 1st – Happy New Year!!!
Friday, January 6th – Epiphany
Tuesday, January 9th – Presbyterian Women meeting – Noon in the Community Building
Sunday, January 15th – Session Meeting following Worship Service
Wednesday, January 18th – Men’s Group meeting – 8am in the Community Building
Saturday, January 21st – Family Supper – 5:30pm in the Community Building
Tuesday, January 31st – Newsletter Deadline

Souper Bowl Sunday Offering–The Super Bowl will be contested on February 5, 2017. We will be having a Souper Bowl Sunday Offering to support our local mission projects. Watch the Sunday Bulletins for details. The offering will be non-perishable food items or cash which will be used to purchase grocery store gift cards.
ECO Update–The Session and a few covenant partners (members) have completed the Essential Tenant Training for ECO. The Session will return to reviewing the Creeds and Confessions for the Evangelical Covenant Order (ECO) of Presbyterians. Jim and Marcia will be attending the Nation Gathering of  ECO in January.

Prayer Shawl Ministry – I have some prayer shawls ready, if anyone knows of someone in need of one, please see Carolyn White.

Report of Rev Silvanus Malaho: Rev. Silvanus Malaho has been unusually quiet this month. We sent him funds the beginning of the month and he thanked us profusely for the assistance. They have been experiencing serious drought. Their boreholes, (wells), are drying up. His borehole provides only 30 liters per day. They normally use 500 liters per day. He has about 26 people living in his house, including family and orphans. Then must travel far to get more water and pay required fees. He does not have a vehicle. Schools will be back in session on Jan. 4 2017 and they need to pay required fees for students to be able to attend. They do not have public schools available. We will send funds to help.
I briefly described to him our snow, weather, and Christmas activities. They need our support and certainly our prayers.     By Jim Kessler

The Presbyterian Women met on Dec. 12 for their annual Christmas Party. We sat down to a delicious lunch of several varieties of Pizza, a big tossed salad, a fruit plate and of course, lots of cookies. At the close of the gathering, every member took home a plate of cookies of their own choosing.  During the business meeting, it was reported a balance of $1672.85 in the treasury, a total of $655.00 from the congregation was given to Bill’s Kids at the Children’s Home in Hillcrest, and there is a balance in the Women’s Resource Center fund of $22.00. Currently, we are saving dimes to be given to a Safe Water Organization.  The next Rummage Sale dates are May 19 and 20.
Prayer concerns were brought forward and the meeting was adjourned with prayer.
All women of the church family are invited to the meetings which are held the second Monday of each month, beginning at noon.  One can bring their own lunch, or just come, have coffee and enjoy the fellowship.  The business meeting begins at 12:30.  If anyone needs a ride, call Bonne or Joyce Printz.

MENS ACTION GROUP  *** If anyone is in need of transportation and/or assistance for doctor or hospital appointments, please contact Bill Printz at #570-967-0858, or e-mail
***If anyone needs visitation or for a friend, neighbor or family member, please contact Ken Post at #570-879-4219, or e-mail  OR Bill Printz at #570-967-0858 or   ***For help with small projects for church family and neighborhood, please call Pastor Joe Travis at  #570-465-7303 or email him at

Loose Change Offerings
1st Sunday – Local Missions
2nd Sunday – Local Missions
3rd Sunday – Kenya/Rev. Malaho
4th Sunday – Building Maintenance
5th Sunday – Habitat for Humanity (whenever there is a 5th Sunday)

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