The Messenger – March 2017

From The Pastor’s Desk…..

Dear Church Family,
March is here and with it brings Lent season and as we all know “construction season!”
I was in Binghamton the other day and experience what seems to be never ending work on the highway. Roads are being widened, safety medians installed and turn lanes are created to name a few.
Although the activity, the many people, and the machinery are expected with progress, the interruptions in the regular traffic flow are a nuisance. While we may recognize that the end result will be beneficial and help our traffic to move smoother, faster, and more safely, the delays are unwelcomed.
As I drove, I encountered an unanticipated slowdown. I wasn’t in a particular hurry, just slightly irritated that I had to adjust my plans. Yes, I was thankful for the advance warning directing us to an alternate route. But glancing around, it was easy to see that my fellow travelers harbored the same feelings of impatience as I did.
Life highways have similar encounters. While we know that God is the master planner, the detours and changes in our travel are not always welcome.  We may acknowledge that his ways are not our ways, but our stubbornness still emerges, accompanied by its fair share of annoyance.
As we travel, God provides signs for us. Some are CAUTION, others are clear and direct. STOP! Or GO! Some we call detours, and some opportunities. Truth is detours and slowdowns provide us with opportunity. We just need to pay attention to God’s direction and look for the opportunity whichever road he takes us down.
Isaiah reminds us in Chapter 30 verse 21, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
In His Service,
Pastor Joe
Sunday School – 8:15 AM in the Community Building
Choir Practice  Every Thursday at 1:00pm
Evening Bible Study – Every Sunday at 5:00pm
You may reach Pastor Joe at 570-465-7303 or his cell #570-267-4570
Every Thursday Pastor Joe will be at the church from 2-4pm if you need him

Wednesday, March 1st – Ash Wednesday
Friday, March 3rd – World Day of Prayer
Sunday, March 5th – First Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 12th – Second Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 12th – Daylight Savings Time begins
Sunday, March 12th – Girl Scout Sunday
Monday, March 13th – Presbyterian Women meet at noon for Lunch and meeting at 12:30pm
Wednesday, March 15th – Men’s Action Group meets at 8am
Sunday, March 19th – Third Sunday in Lent
Monday, March 20th – First Day of Spring
Sunday, March 26th – Fourth Sunday in Lent
Tuesday, March 28th – Newsletter Deadline

Care Net — Here at Franklin Hill, we participate in a Baby Bottle Campaign every spring. Monies are used here in the county for all sorts of baby items and counseling for parents. Baby things are “purchased” by the parents from points they earn by attending education classes.  We will begin this the week after Easter and end it the week after Mother’s Day. “Stay Tuned” for more details.

Prayer Shawl Ministry – I have some prayer shawls ready, if anyone knows of someone in need of one, please see Carolyn White.

Lenten Services -  there will be ecumenical Lenten services  The following is the service place with each service starting at 7p.m.
March 8th – First Congregational-UCC, Harford
March 15th – First United Methodist Church, New Milford
March 22nd  – Brooklyn Univeraslist
March 29th – Great Bend United Methodist Church
April 5th – Gibson United Methodist Church

Souper Bowl of Caring – This year Franklin Hill received 44 food items. A total of $395.00 was received. The food was given to some local families along with gift cards to area grocery stores. Thanks to all that participated in this mission.

Kenya – February has been very harsh for our friends in Kenya. The weather has been very hot, dry, and windy. Their local borehole, (well). had dried up. The school children were required to walk about 4 miles to the only producing spring in the area. It supplied about 200 people. We sent a special gift so that they could buy some water from that spring. This week they finally had some rains. Now they can focus on regular problems like buying necessities. With our last donation they bought 6 bags of maise, 2 bags of beans plus sugar, rice, flour, water, vegetable oil. Some of their major needs include planting supplies, bedding, shoes, (none of the children have any shoes and soon the rainy season starts), pullovers.  Rev Malaho always is graciously thankful for whatever prayers and funds that we can send to him. He repeatedly invites anyone from our church to visit his village. He would like any of us to understand how he has to survive to spread God’s word.   Submitted by Jim Kessler
E-mail from Rev. Malaho on 2/17/17:   Dear Friends
Please allow me to register my sincere love , gratitude and I respect you very highly and in a special way . You have invested in the work of God in our villages with special humble , honest and commitment that only comes from GOD , may all of you be blessed. Whenever I see the joy . happiness, gratitude, respect and renewed HOPE for better future in the lives of these children , I just feel highly motivated.
Recently , I received funds from you, I managed to purchase some of the following items:
6 bags of Maize @ksh. 4100==ksh.24600 ,
2 Bags beans @ ksh. 6500 ==ksh. 13000.
Other items like Sugar, Drinking Water,Rice, Wheat Flour and Edible Vegetable Oil consumed more than Ksh. 10,000.
Children and some of their Teachers spent alot of valuable time to walk 4 miles to collect Water from the only existing spring in our villages. More than 200 people and Animals depend on this Spring for their Water , therefore learning in our School is disturbed for several hours. All our Water Springs , Boreholes and Tanks are completely dry no sign of Water.I just pray and believe from that Church and among my friends one day somebody will visit us , to come and Pray with us, observe and evaluate our initiatives . Once more thank you and God bless you all.

Essential Tenants and Confessions Study – The Session and some Covenant Partners (Members) completed an in depth study of the Essential Tenants of the Evangelical Covenant Order (ECO) Presbyterian Church.  Pastor Joe is using one of the Tenants as the subject his message each week to make the congregation aware of the Essential Tenants of ECO. The Session is now working through the Confessions and Creeds of the church.  The Session will recommend to the Presbytery which confessions and creeds should be kept intact, modified or removed from the Book of Confessions.

New Hymnal Racks and Communion Cup Holders – Sandy and Cathe Parks have made and installed new hymnal racks and communion cup holders. These hymnal racks and communion cup holders are in memory of Ray Barnard using moneys from his memorial fund. The racks and holders will be dedicated later when Pastor Marilyn returns from Arizona.

New Storage Cupboards - Jim and Marcia Perkins are building new storage cupboards in the Community Building. These new cupboards will help un-clutter the kitchen and storage room. The Session voted to pay for the cupboards with money from the memorial fund.

ECO National Gathering – Jim and Marcia Perkins attended the ECO National Gathering in Greenville, NC. They report that the conference was outstanding with many breakout sessions on issues facing the church. The worship services were fantastic with 1500 voices praising God accompanied with a 50 voice choir, full orchestra and mammoth pipe organ.  Next year’s conference will be in Houston Texas.

MENS ACTION GROUP  *** If anyone is in need of transportation and/or assistance for doctor or hospital appointments, please contact Bill Printz at #570-967-0858, or e-mail
***If anyone needs visitation or for a friend, neighbor or family member, please contact Ken Post at #570-879-4219, or e-mail  OR Bill Printz at #570-967-0858 or   ***For help with small projects for church family and neighborhood, please call Pastor Joe Travis at  #570-465-7303 or email him at

Loose Change Offerings
1st Sunday – Local Missions
2nd Sunday – Local Missions
3rd Sunday – Kenya/Rev. Malaho
4th Sunday – Building Maintenance
5th Sunday – Trehab Local Food Bank (whenever there is a 5th Sunday)

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