Worship Service – August 16, 2020

Philippians 4:1-9


He Could Show Up Any Minute! What a thought! Even though these words were written 2000 years ago, they are still true – any minute – would you be ready today to meet Jesus?

Paul is evidently trying to soothe some ruffled feathers. We don’t know what Erodia and Syntyche were at odds about in verse 2, but Paul ‘s letter is meant to handle such a crisis in the new church. Certainly, in two thousand years, we still have spats in the church and it doesn’t just hurt the people in the spat but the whole church and those outside the church.

It doesn’t take much to get people arguing –

About children, homes, expenses, politics, the list is never ending.

I lost a family at one of my churches because of ‘doughnuts!” We were selling doughnuts so that children could go to church camp. The church was willing to pay for the entrance fee for all the children, but we thought the children should have a chance to earn some of the money on their own. Each child would go to camp, no matter what. One mother thought that her child had sold the most doughnuts so her daughter should be given more than the rest!

I almost lost one lady because of “paper cups”! An outside group asked to use our Fellowship Hall and while using it they used some of the paper cups bought by our ladies’ group. They were outraged and went after one of their own to replace those cups. The lady stayed away until I went to visit and we prayed about it and she came back.

Such un-Christlike behavior starting with, “I thought…”

Positive thoughts are like vitamins for the mind. They are mood boosters, and when you’re feeling upbeat, you are better equipped to focus on what is working rather than despairing over what is not. When it is time to tackle what isn’t working, an optimistic outlook gives you mental energy, along with a willingness to discover and implement practical solutions. If the gift of positive thinking doesn’t come naturally to you, choose it for yourself. “1

At the end of the day, if you were to remember what things you had been thinking about, would you be satisfied with the time you spent on certain those thoughts?

So, Paul gives us a formula. “Think on these things.“ I want to compare the list of things to think of in the different translations of this passage.

Whatsoever things are:

The Message: KJV  NIV

  • True ^ True ^ True

  • Noble ^ Honest ^ Noble

  • Reputable ^ Just ^ Right

  • Authentic ^ Pure ^ Pure

  • Compelling ^ Lovely ^ Lovely

  • Gracious ^ Good Report ^ Admirable

  • Best

All have true.

1. TRUTH So many times, what is thought to be the truth is just someone else’s idea of that truth.

If an auto mobile accident happens and we are called to explain what happened. You were on the right side of it and I was on the left. Would our truth be the same?

Let’s not jump to conclusions until we know what is the WHOLE truth.

2. NOBLE One of the definitions of noble is “possessing excellent qualities.”

Using that definition, I would suggest that we think of the good things when thinking of people or situations. What is there about the human that seems to want to tear down others?

I remember when I was bowling, a lady on another team delighted in telling dirty jokes. I would walk away or just turn away as she told them. One day she said, “I know, Marilyn, you don’t want to hear it, being a goody-two shoes like you are.” For a long time, my thoughts of her were not pleasant.

One day I heard someone say, “She does the grocery shopping for this older couple and goes out of her way to do things for them, because they have no family!

From that day on, I thought about how good she was instead of my other thoughts.

The KJV use the word ‘honest’ instead of “noble.” It may take on a little different meaning with this word. How many of you when you think of things add a little to the story or leave a few things out? When you think of these things, are you honest with yourself?


Just KJV

Right NIV

Enjoying good repute. Don’t you love it when you look up a word and then you have to look up another one to get the meaning? Repute: to hold in high esteem. So many times, the reputation of a person is destroyed by someone else expressing their wrongful impressions.


Pure KJV

Pure NIV

Authentic means genuine as sincere and not hypocritical.

When you are having thoughts about anything are you just thinking negatively and forgetting that you, too, have characteristics that could match what you are criticizing?


Lovely KJV, NIV

To urge forcibly. If you were to put your thoughts into action, would your words exact an urgent message to the hearer?


Good Report KJV

Admirable NIV

Full of grace or charm. When your thoughts are filled with evidence of your ability to add to the other words a point of “we are all sinners and this person or thing or event will be used by God to enhance our journey.

The Message adds one more to their list:

7. BEST  Most of us seem to look on the negative when we are upset, but what would be the best for everyone. That’s a hard one isn’t it?

Many of you may have looked at the title of the sermon today and said, “what is Metanoia? It’s a Greek word meaning to think differently! I think that is what Paul’s was advising the Phillipians to do.

Sounds like a lot of thought to think about thoughts, doesn’t it? In the end, we only need to look at the example of Jesus and check ourselves to see if we are fitting the criteria of scripture.

Hebrews 3:1 “Fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.

He laid out the plans though his actions on this earth. He gave us the pattern for our thoughts and actions. Not because we have to earn our salvation but because God loves us and wants us to be the best person, made in His image!

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Throughout the pages of scripture, God reveals His thoughts toward you. His words of love, compassion, and understanding reflect His infinite love for you. His promise of forgiveness no matter what the sorrowful heart confesses, and His plan for your salvation through the work of Jesus Christ, prove His thoughts are not just for today, but for eternity. Through the power of His Spirit, inspired writers made the gift of God’s thoughts available to you…” 2


Lord, help us identify the thoughts that are not Your thoughts. Help us purge them. In this way, we will hear You more clearly so we may be obedient disciples. Also, Lord, give us willing hands, to guide, willing ears to listen, feet quick to run errands and give aid. Give us strong shoulders to bear another’s burdens in your name. Amen!

1 Everyday Gifts, (Goo Thoughts), Patricia Marshall, p. 189

2Everyday Gifts, (Thinking of You), Patricia Marshall, P. 188

Pastor Marilyn

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