Messenger – April 2023

Dear Friends and Family,

 This morning, as is my normal routine, I was praying and found myself drifting off in my thought process, hardly remembering what I just prayed for. Then, when I went to read my daily devotional, which happened to be from Psalm 5, the first 3 verses of that Psalm really got me thinking about my prayer life. Let me share that scripture with you.

David wrote in Psalm 5:1-3,”Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.

In the morning, O Lord , you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”

Needless to say, I wasn’t waiting in expectation. For much of my life, I’ve felt guilty for not praying enough. At times, I wondered if my requests were too small. I’d think, “God is all-powerful and all-knowing. Why would he be concerned about this little thing that’s bothering me? I’d better focus on praying for people I know who are dealing with much bigger problems.” And if I’m honest, sometimes I get bored or distracted while I’m praying. Some mornings I’m thirty seconds into it, feeling some prayer momentum, and then the next thing I know, I’m thinking, “Lord, please be with—oh, my goodness, I need to change the oil in my car. Or Bonne said we need bread and ice cream if I stop at the store today . . . uh, sorry, Lord, where were we?” I’m sure that I’m not alone in this struggle.

While I don’t always feel like a mighty prayer warrior, and because I’m a pastor, people sometimes ask me, “Am I praying the right way? Am I praying too little? Too loud? Am I doing it right? What exactly is prayer anyway?”

That’s when I tell them—and remind myself—that prayer is simply communicating with God. That’s it. When you talk, God listens. This month, I want to encourage you to focus on your prayer life. With so many questions and issues surrounding prayer, it’s no wonder we struggle occasionally. But Scripture makes it clear there’s no “right way” to pray. It’s not the words that matter to God so much as our hearts. God simply wants to talk with us. We only have to open our hearts to begin the conversation.”

In His Service,

Pastor Joe


Easter Prayer

Thank you, God, for sending Jesus Christ who promised us everlasting life with you. Thank you for your everlasting love and your creation. And during this unsettling time in our lives, when our world seems upside down, please bless those in the military, surround them and protect them, bless all the healthcare workers, keep them in your care. Bless our teachers and our ministers of your Gospel, may their words be a light unto our paths. May we slow down, listen, forgive, rest, and heal. May we trust in Jesus and rely fully on Him. Our faith is what sustains us on our days of sadness and also on days of joy! Just as the people waving palm branches as Jesus entered Jerusalem, May we be reminded of welcoming Jesus into our hearts and our willingness to follow him. Amen!



Sunday School – 8:15 AM in the Community Building

Choir Practice Thursdays at 1pm

You may reach Pastor Joe at 570-465-7303 or his cell #570-267-4570

Every Thursday Pastor Joe will be at the church from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Sunday, April 2nd – Palm Sunday

Monday, April 3rd – PW will be cleaning the community building 9:00am

Thursday, April 6th – Maundy Thursday

Friday, April 7th – Good Friday – Service 7:30pm

Sunday, April 9th – Happy Easter – Sunrise Service at White’s 7:30am, Breakfast at the Community Building 8:00am, Worship Service 9:30am -All Welcome!

Thursday, April 13th – Presbyterian Women Meeting 10:30am

Wednesday, April 19th – Men’s Meeting and Breakfast 8:00am

Saturday, April 22nd – Earth Day

Tuesday, April 25th – Newsletter Deadline

One Great Hour of Sharing – continues through Sunday, April 9th.

Care Net Mission will begin April 16th through Monther’s Day, May 14th – See article in newsletter.

Plastic Grocery Bags – Please give bags to Bonne Travis – these are used to crochet sleep mats for the homeless.

Please sign up to host one of the social hours on the Sunday after Communion Service on the first Sunday of the month.Hosting only means setting out what is brought and cleaning up afterward. It does not mean bringing everything to share.

Men’s Action Group ***For help with small projects for church family and neighborhood, please call Pastor Joe Travis at #570-465-7303 or email him at

Don’t forget our card ministry – If you would like a card sent to a particular person to give them a lift or let them know they are missed or offer encouragement, etc. etc., just give the name and address to Cathe. Cards, envelopes and postage will be provided and placed on a table in the Community Building the first Sunday of each month. As we file past the table on our way to the coffee pot, we will be able to sign each of the cards and Cathe will address the envelopes and mail them.

Loose Change Offerings ( coins and bills)

1st Sunday – Local Missions

2nd Sunday – General Fund

3rd Sunday – Kenya/Rev. Malabo

4th Sunday – General Fund

5th Sunday – Trehab Local Food Bank (whenever there is a 5th Sunday)

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