The Messenger – May 2018

From The Pastor’s Desk…..

Dear Church Family,
If you are like me you can’t wait for warmer weather to arrive. It seems as if winter had gone on far too long and our spring has been cold and wet. As the days drag by, I’m always putting off doing the things on my to-do list waiting for warmer or dryer weather.
In my devotions this morning God reminded me to make every day count! In Psalm 118:24 we read, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” This passage spurred in me to look at each day as precious and accountable to God. So how do I do this? How can we see each day as SPECIAL?
Imagine that you received a gift of $1,440 from a relative. You want to be sure you make the best use of the gift, so you keep accurate records of your spending. You even show your records to the relative so they will be pleased to see how special this gift is to you.
Have you considered the fact that you receive a gift of 1,440 minutes daily from God? What if you had to give an account to Him at the end of the day on how you spent your minutes? Most of us would have to admit that some of the time was wasted. What if we had to write off as a loss, the time we didn’t purposefully use?
Our time is like money. Once we spend it, we can’t get it back. We don’t always spend our money wisely.
Psalm 118:24 reminds us that today like every day, is a cause for celebration. God challenges us to use each day for His purposes. Each day God deposits 1440 minutes into our “time account.” He wants us to spend it wisely. He gives us so many possibilities to use our time for His purposes.
We need to begin each day with an attitude of cheerfulness, thanking God for another day filled with minutes and hours. Let others see Joy that can only come from our Lord. Be quick to laugh and slow to anger. Share God’s goodness with all those He surrounds you with.
Today’s “time account” has been deposited for you by God. Make the most of your day! It’s not a renewable resource.
In His Service,
Pastor Joe

Sunday School – 8:15 AM in the Community Building
Choir Practice  Every Thursday at 1:00pm
Evening Bible Study – Postponed Until Further Notice
You may reach Pastor Joe at 570-465-7303 or his cell #570-267-4570
Every Thursday Pastor Joe will be at the church from 2-4pm if you need him

Thursday, May 3rd – National Day of Prayer
Monday, May 7th – Mother Daughter Dinner – 6pm in the Community Building
Thursday, May 10th – Presbyterian Women Meeting – 11am
Thursday, May 10th – Ascension
Sunday, May 13th – Mother’s Day
Wednesday, May 16th – Men’s Action Group Meeting – 8am in the Community Building
Saturday, May 19th – Prebytery Meeting – 8am registration, meeting 9am to 3pm
Sunday, May 20th – Pentecost
Monday, May 21st – Victoria Day (Canada)
Sunday, May 27th – Trinity Sunday
Monday, May 28th – Happy Memorial Day!
Tuesday, May 29th – Newsletter Deadline

Presbytery Meeting – May 19, 2018- The Franklin Hill Presbyterian Church will be hosting the May 19 Presbytery Meeting. There will be a period of registration and coffee preceding the meeting.
The meeting will consist of a worship service, a business meeting, keynote speaker and lunch.  The Session would like to encourage everyone to attend all or a portion of the day.

Thank you all who help with the Rummage and Bake Sale – a total of approximately $1300.00 was made.  This will help the Presbyterian Women with local mission and maintenance.

Prayer Shawls –   I have several prayer shawls available, if anyone knows of anyone who could use one.   Thank you, Carolyn White

Come Join Us For the Mother Daughter Dinner – Monday, May 7th at 6pm.  Bring a covered dish to share and bring a friend.  Enjoy an evening of music, ministry and fellowship.  Our theme is “Communicating With God.”  Please sign up in the vestibule of see Bonne Travis.

The Care Net Baby Bottle Campaign is now until Mother’s Day.  Donations can be noted on your offering envelope or put change in the baby bottles that are available.  See the Web Site at for much more information.

Partnership Training will take place Thursday, May 10th and May 17th at 6pm in the Community Building.

Relay For Life – Saturday, June 23rd in the New Milford Park (next to the New Milford swimming pool).  Begins at 11am.  If interested in the survivor forms as well as the luminaria forms, please see Debbie Stalker.

Last month Rev. Malaho asked for help to provide pipes, pump, tanks and electricity for his new “Borehole”. Members from our church came forward and forwarded $3500 to accomplish the task. Last year we remember the children walking 5 miles to get water for the household. This year we decided to help him out so children did not need to miss school because of water. Now they can even plant crops and irrigate them as necessary.  Then the floods came across eastern Africa, although not too serious in his area. Until this morning he said that his village lost a mother and baby to flooding. His crops have been destroyed, except for his sweet potatoes. His video shows a local washed out road with a vehicle attempting to cross, then it slips sideways and finally takes a nosedive off the bridge. Bystanders help to get the driver out safely before the currant carries the vehicle out of sight.  The government has ordered the schools to shut down until May 13 due to the flooding. Patricia, his daughter whom we sponsored through high school, is scheduled to begin at the university, but she has not paid her fees as of this date. She is praying for assistance so she can start on time. They have a challenging lifestyle but he is always very appreciative of whatever help we can send to him and he has often invited someone from our church to come and visit him.  By Jim Kessler

MENS ACTION GROUP  If anyone is in need of transportation and/or assistance for doctor or hospital appointments, please contact Bill Printz at #570-967-0858, or e-mail
If anyone needs visitation or for a friend, neighbor or family member, please contact Ken Post at
#570-879-4219, or e-mail  OR Bill Printz at   ***For help with small projects for church family and neighborhood, please call Pastor Joe Travis at  #570-465-7303 or email him at

Loose Change Offerings ( coins and bills)
1st Sunday – Local Missions
2nd Sunday – Local Missions
3rd Sunday – Kenya/Rev. Malaho
4th Sunday – Building Maintenance
5th Sunday – Trehab Local Food Bank (whenever there is a 5th Sunday)

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